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Home Staging Tips: How to Get Your Property Ready for Sales

Posted by Boluwatife Adukanle on September 13, 2023

What does home staging have to do with sales? Well, the popular saying “do not judge a book by its cover” doesn’t always apply in the real estate world. Often times than not a property is judged based on the first impression it makes on the buyer and that’s why you need to know how best to stage your properties for listings as a realtor or even as a one-time seller.

Image credit: Pexels

What Is Home Staging?

Home staging is the preparation of a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. An excellent way to show off a property’s potential is through home staging. It entails placing furniture, accents, and accessories in a way that appeals to clients. It can help in establishing a warm and inviting atmosphere while emphasizing the best features of the house. To make the property stand out in the real estate market, it’s like giving it a fashionable makeover.

Types Of Home Staging

There are different types of home staging depending on the objectives and requirements of the property. Some common types include;

•       Traditional staging

involves physically furnishing and decorating the home to create an inviting atmosphere

•    Vacant staging

is used for empty properties, where furniture and decor are brought in to showcase the potential of the space.  

•    Virtual staging: 

uses digital technology to virtually furnish and decorate photos of empty rooms. Each type has its own benefits and can be tailored to suit the specific property.

Staging Techniques: How To Prepare

Selling a home can be a daunting task, but the right preparations can make all the difference. Home staging is an essential step in the process for potential buyers to picture themselves living in your space. Here are some crucial home staging pointers to help potential home sellers get their properties ready for the market.

1.   Declutter and Depersonalize

The first step in home staging is decluttering. Remove personal items such as family photos, memorabilia, and excessive decorations. A clean, clutter-free space allows buyers to imagine their own belongings in the home.

2.   Deep Clean

A sparkling clean home is more appealing to buyers. Potential clients are drawn to a spotless home. To clean areas you might have missed, like baseboards, carpets, and windows, think about hiring experts. Keep a close eye on the bathrooms and kitchen, which should be pristine.

3.   Repairs

Take care of any obvious problems in your house, such as dripping faucets, flaking paint, or creaky doors. Don’t allow any space for doubt because buyers are more inclined to submit offers on well-maintained residences.

4.   Arrange Furniture Wisely

Reposition furniture to provide the impression of space and openness. Avoid overcrowding spaces, and make sure the furniture placement highlights the functioning and flow of each area. Take out any extra furniture; when it comes to furnishings, less is sometimes more. If you have too much furniture in your rooms, you could choose to store some of it to make the space feel bigger and airier.

5.   Highlight Important Details

Show off your home’s best attributes. Make sure the fireplace, if you have one, is the centre of attention in the space. Similar to this, make sure your beautiful hardwood floors are noticeable and kept in good condition.

Qualities Of A Good Home Stager

Home staging can be a do-it-yourself (DIY) activity, or you can hire a pro to handle it for you. Numerous tools, including books, websites, and online courses, are accessible to you if you chose to do it yourself. Real estate brokers, interior designers, and other experts are additional sources of guidance.

Professional home stagers have the knowledge and skills necessary to present your house in the best possible light for prospective buyers. They can arrange your home’s furnishings, artwork, and accessories in a variety of ways because they have access to a large selection of these items and know where to find them. Some of the qualities a good home stager should possess include;

•       Creativity.

•       Detail oriented.

•       Strong communication skills

•       Flexibility

•       Knowledge of real estate market trends

•       Planning skills

•       Resourcefulness

•       Empathy

•       Knowledge of home improvement

•       Business acumen

•       Professionalism

•       Portfolio of work

•       Networking skills

•       Continuous learning

•       Positive reviews and references

Importance Of Home Staging

It is impossible to emphasize the value of home staging when it comes to selling a house. Home staging is the process of putting a house up for sale by boosting its aesthetic appeal and making an environment that is more welcoming and marketable. Here are a few major justifications for why house staging is crucial:

1.   Maximizes First Impression: 

A well-staged property offers a good first impression on potential buyers. Their view of the property as a whole may be significantly influenced by this first impression.

2.   Increased Perceived Value

Staging can raise an object’s perceived value. Buyers are more likely to identify higher quality and value with a home when they see one that has been tastefully furnished and decorated. Homes with staging typically sell for more money. A house that appears to be well-kept and ready for move-in will fetch a higher price from buyers.

3.   Faster Sales

Staged properties typically sell more quickly than unstaged ones. properties that have been staged usually sell more quickly than unstaged properties. Staging a home can reduce its time on the market by around 73%, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in the United States.

4.   Highlighting Property’s Potential

Staging can highlight a home’s positive qualities and downplay its negative ones. Professional stagers are adept at playing up strengths and playing down deficiencies.

5.   Online Presentation

In this day and age of technology, the majority of homebuyers begin their search online.  Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) research indicates that staged homes photograph better and get more internet views than unstaged homes. Homes that have been staged typically have better photographs and stand out more in online listings, bringing in more online views and possible buyers.

6.   Establishes Competitive Advantage

Staging can give your house a competitive advantage in a cutthroat real estate market. It may increase interest in your home and make it stand out from similar listings.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, home staging is a smart and worthwhile investment for homeowners trying to sell their homes. It improves a home’s marketability, attracts a wider range of buyers, and may lead to a faster sale at a higher price. property staging is, in the end, a potent instrument for maximizing the return on investment when selling a property.

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